What is Transferable Primary PE

Transferable Primary PE

Transferable Primary PE is structured so that sports/activities following similar principles will follow each other in the academic calendar and provide the pupils with the best opportunity of grasping transferable skills and thus enabling them to make progress.

Teachers will be able to use our progressive planning to see how sports/activities should be taught from a starting point and progressed through different stages to an end point of competition and performance in Year 6 (Junior and Primary). Head teachers will be able to use our documentation to show ‘INTENT’ of what they are going to ‘IMPLEMENT’ in PE across their schools. They will be able to measure ‘IMPACT’ by judging pupils’ performance in each sport/activity at each stage of their [pupils’] development against the criteria that we have created. Our planning and curriculum could also be complemented by the most accurate and innovative measure of ‘IMPACT’ available – our purpose-built software - ‘Athlete Tracker.’ Please contact us for further details.

The programme includes:

A PE Academic Timetable

A PE Academic Timetable of 'core' sports/activities from Reception to Year 6 showing progression year on year. Included in this timetable are sports/activities that should be delivered in primary school. 

Overall PE Plans

Overall PE Plans for each sport/activity from the appropriate starting point to an end point in Year 6. Overall Plans include:

Functional Movement, Gymnastics, Athletics, Dance, General Hand-Eye Co-ordination, General Hand-Eye Co-ordination Hitting, Rugby, Netball, Basketball, Handball, Gaelic Football, Football, Hockey, Invasion Games, Cricket, Tennis,  Badminton, Rounders, Swimming, Outdoor Education

Progressive individual lesson plans

Progressive individual lesson plans for the appropriate sports/activities covered in the Curriculum from a starting point to an end point in Year 6. Lesson plans include:

Functional Movement, Gymnastics, Athletics, General Hand-Eye Co-ordination, Rugby, Netball, Basketball, Handball, Dodgeball, Ultimate Frisbee, Gaelic Football, Football, Hockey, Cricket, Tennis, Table Tennis, Badminton, Rounders

The lesson plans share the same structure across a variety of different sports/activities. Each lesson builds on the last and each year builds on the previous one. There are in excess of 300 lesson plans in total across the sports/activities we have covered from EYFS – Year 6. In many cases, particularly in hand-eye co-ordination sports, there are similar starting points and many of the same exercises are used across the different sports/activities showing how TRANSFERABLE teaching PE can be. *We do not provide individual plans for 'Dance', ‘Outdoor Education’ and ‘Swimming’ because they are a little different - but ideas are included for Dance and Outdoor Education - and our ‘Overall Plans’ make suggestions as to what might be covered at certain stages. 

Primary PE Plan (core sports/activities)

The Primary PE Plan has been put together in a logical format where the pupils undertake a sport/activity at the appropriate time of year – year on year. The Plan has also been put together in such a way where sports or activities following similar principles will follow each other in the academic calendar. For example: 

Functional Movement 

General Hand-Eye Co-ordination

Rugby (Invasion)

Basketball (Invasion)

Netball (Invasion)

Functional Movement at the start of the year builds strength in the legs to improve strength, speed, agility, power, balance across all sports.

Rugby is a direct progression of working on movement as it has the same principles but with a ball in hands – this can be done easily in EYFS too!

Again, with regard to basketball and netball, EYFS and KS 1 will be doing more ‘General Hand-Eye Co-ordination’ but the skills will contribute to the foundations of the 2 sports.

Basketball and netball follow nicely on from rugby. Very similar principles – hand-eye invasion team game (attack v defence)

Basketball and netball transfer very smoothly to each other with many of the same principles – same passes, movement into space and shooting.



Foot-Eye Co-ordination/Football (Invasion)

Hand-Eye Co-ordination Hitting (along the floor) -Hockey (Invasion)

Gymnastics – in the depths of Winter – this is when it should happen – again EYFS can build from a very basic level with great emphasis on developing balance.

Dance smoothly follows gymnastics and in fact at later and more advanced stages – gymnastics can be integrated.

Still using our feet from dance (!) but this time for football! We will be revisiting many of the same principles as the team invasion games of netball and basketball from Autumn 2 but using our feet!

Hockey flows nicely on from football as it is almost the same sport just played with the hands and sticks (tennis rackets lower down to make it easier!). It has exactly the same principles however – a team invasion sport – and scoring into goals!

Hand-Eye Co-ordination Hitting (airborne) – Cricket/Tennis/Rounders (Yr 3 onwards)


Swimming (Yr 3 onwards)

Outdoor Education (Yr 3 onwards)

Cricket follows hockey as the principles to start with are hitting a moving ball along the ground (Again, initially with tennis rackets to make it easier). It develops into more of an ‘airborne striking sport’ but hitting along the ground is the starting point.

Tennis follows cricket – again many similar principles particularly when learning to hit – starting along the ground and progressing to a feeder (bowler) and a hitter.

Rounders follows tennis after the forehand and forehand volley have been taught in Year 3 as these combined are a rounders hit! Again, initially, a tennis racket will be used to make it easier to strike the ball. Rounders also follows most of the same principles as cricket – fielding, scoring by running etc. 

Athletics follows on from rounders as both sports feature running and throwing particularly. It is also the appropriate time to deliver athletics in the build up to Sports day.

To teach swimming at this time of year would also make sense as a lot of children go on holiday in the summer and thus could do with learning and practising! 

Delivering Outdoor Education when the weather is better would also appear to be sensible!

The structure is such that sports/activities should be delivered in short, sharp bursts, to keep the interest of the pupils. Therefore, there is not just one sport delivered per half-term. Also, in the context of the Sport Premium, it would be a good model if a specialist delivered their own session once a week but in line with our 'Academic Plan' of sports/activities - and then the teacher delivered one of our lessons on the same topic, in the same week, to fulfil the two hours/sessions of PE and consolidate learning.

The structure of the Plan will also help the teachers know what they are delivering at different stages of the year and also where the pupils should be up to in those areas. The use of ‘data assessments’ in different areas of PE will complement the Plan – indicating where individuals may need to focus more of their attention. This will be particularly important with a measure of ‘basic fitness’ which will give an idea of how healthier lifestyle a child is leading. 

In EYFS, the pupils will still be following the skills of the sport/activity being delivered higher up the school - albeit at a ‘diluted level’ appropriate to their ability. Quite often EYFS are a complete ‘after-thought’ and what they do is totally detached from those in the mainstream year groups and thus we are trying to address this whilst also keeping the activities appropriate to their age and in-line with their Curriculum objectives. 

The PE Plan meets the objectives of ‘Physical Development’ at EYFS. It also meets the objectives of the National Curriculum for PE at Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. In addition, the syllabuses of other subject areas have been studied and where there has been the possibility of bringing those subjects ‘to life’ through PE because they link nicely together – this has been implemented. 

Life Skills and Qualities

Life Skills and Qualities from the Transferable Primary PE Programme

Physical Education has the potential to provide pupils with more skills and qualities to carry forward with them for life than any other subject. These ‘Life Skills’ can start to develop in Reception. Regardless of what level a pupil plays sport at, they can still find problems to solve, challenges to overcome and goals to achieve. It could be striving to win a County Gymnastics title, captaining a school team to win their first ever match or even to run the Daily Mile without stopping!

Leading a healthy, active lifestyle

Building confidence (from being fit and healthy as well receiving praise and achieving)

Nurturing teamwork

Nurturing leadership

Problem solving

Working towards objectives and Goals

Overcoming challenges

Learning how to win graciously

Learning how to accept defeat graciously

Developing resilience

Download your free Sample Pack

Package options:

*Package for Infant Schools


*Package for **Junior and Primary Schools


*Please note – this is not a subscription basis and once purchased – the schools have total access to materials.
**Junior schools need to see where the starting point for each sport/activity is and thus it is essential to have the total package.
** INSET days available covering 2 or more areas.

Any questions?